Buying Replacement Windows

4 Things to Know Before You Buy

When buying replacement windows it is important to know that there is more to learn about more than just the windows. Replacement window companies tend to focus on selling you on the bells and whistles of the window. It is important to know that other details are just as important to buying replacement windows as the window itself.

Look Beyond Just the Windows

When you are meeting with companies it is important to dig below the surface of just the window sales pitch. Purchasing windows is a major remodeling project and it pays to know details that can have an impact beyond the window you buy. When buying replacement windows here are four things you should dig deeper into when making your purchase:




Service Under the Warranty

1 | Who services the window under the warranty – Most quality replacement windows will carry some form of a full lifetime, or limited lifetime warranty. This warranty covers elements of the window (frame, glass, hardware etc). Should something break on the window, this warranty will get the part replaced at no cost. The important thing to research is who services this window to get the issue corrected.

2 | Is service labor covered under the product warranty – If something were to break on the window, it needs to be fixed. It is important to find out if the labor costs associated with warranty work is covered. Window warranties that do not cover service labor could end up costing you. Spend a little more for a replacement window that covers service labor. It will be frustrating if you have to pay to have a window fixed years later.




Installation of the Windows

3 | What is the installation warranty – This is separate from the warranty on the window. It is important to ask the window company what their installation warranty is on the project. The installation warranty covers workmanship on the installation, not the window. Installation warranties are important in the event that there is an issue around the window. Purchase windows from a company that offers an installation warranty.

4 | What is included in the actual installation – Be sure to ask what exactly you get in your installation. Cover the details beyond just how the window is installed. Ask about the materials being used for installation. Get answers regarding the “what ifs”. What if there is damage to the walls? What if I have trim that needs painting? If you get the answers up front it will save you frustration later.